Wageningen Sustainability Guide – 2023

Wageningen Sustainability Guide – 2023

It’s great that you took an interest in reading this guide! Seems like we both know that we need to do something to make the world more sustainable, but have you ever wondered why? Maybe it’s for the planet, our health, the economy, or just because it’s just the right thing to do…

At the Green Office Wageningen, we believe that sustainability is the key to our future. We are working to promote a more sustainable mindset and lifestyle at Wageningen University & Research (WUR), which shall ripple through future leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and executive managers. By adopting a “sustainable mindset and lifestyle”, we believe that we can create a physically, socially, and mentally healthy environment.

In this practical guide, we’re excited to share some hints and tips on how you can live sustainably as a student, staff member, or resident of Wageningen. You might be thinking, “how can I possibly make a difference?” Well, the good news is that there are lots of things you can do to have a more sustainable lifestyle! Don’t worry about trying every tip all at once, just start with something that’s easy and convenient for you.

A word of warning: DO NOT FOLLOW THIS GUIDE BLINDLY! Even though we think we have created a guide with tips to become more sustainable, we urge you to be critical! There are many schools of thought and lifestyles concerning sustainability, all with their pros and cons. There is no definite answer to which direction we have to take to become sustainable. Therefore, it is good to stay critical and even to contest the tips given in this guide!

(This is the 2nd edition of “Sustainability Guide” made by Green Office Wageningen and volunteers. Check out our home page for more projects that we are working on!)

Read and download the guide here!

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